Bryce Worstell


Bryce is a Co-Op in his 3rd year at The Ohio State University’s BSLA program, planning to graduate in 2025.

He has a love for travel, having visited all 50 states with his family through camping trips, travelling through many national parks, monuments, and historic cities. These trips helped to spur his interest in the field, especially in translating natural ecologies into more urban settings.

He was drawn to REALM because of the range of types of projects taken on within the state of Ohio, specifically. His hope as a student in the field is to gain more experience with local projects, learning how landscape architects impact a region which is in a constant state of development.

Bryce enjoys hand drawing and drafting, as well as the more intricate art of planting design and hand modeling. As an active member of SCASLA on Ohio State’s campus, Bryce hopes to bring knowledge from his Co-Op semester back to Knowlton School of Architecture going into his senior year.


Brian Bernstein


Carmine Russo Jr.