Poindexter Village Museum and Cultural Center Visioning


Services: Museum Campus Planning & Stakeholder Engagement

Location: Columbus, Ohio

Client: Ohio History Connection & James Preston Poindexter Foundation

Completion Date: 2023 - Present


REALM, Urban Planner

REALM was engaged to lead a group of stakeholders from the Bronzeville community and Ohio History Connection through a series of workshops with the goal of building consensus on a public realm master plan for the Poindexter Village Museum & Cultural Center. Hosted in REALM’s Ideation Studio, large exhibits lined the walls to facilitate a shared understanding of the site analysis, research findings and design studies.

A series of visionary ideas were presented that allowed each stakeholder to provide comment and input to the design team. Through this process, the free flowing nature of the brainstorming and conversation provided for targeted engagement in an open minded format to develop a final conceptual vision for the project moving forward.


River & Rich Phase 2


Black River Landing